2022 Price Schedule
- Homer<>Anchorage $350. up to 3 people w/items.
- Homer<>Anchor Point $32. up to 3 people w/items.
- Homer<>Kenai/Soldotna $132. up to 3 people w/items.
- Straight miles $2.00/mile Minimum Charge for straight miles will be $20. for any part of/up to 10 miles.
- Charters $70/hour 2-3 people and/or small packages minimum charter is $70. for any part of one hour
- No Smoking in cars, pull over $5. wait time $1. minute.
- No Pets, Animals or Equipment in the cars. Honda Ridgeline Trucks are being evaluated, to accomodate and transport pets and keep equipment safer in the back.
- Frequent rollers receive a 10% discount for every additional same trip after the first completed trip in the same month!